Saturday, November 19, 2016 12:00 pm to 4 pm
Saturday, Nov. 19, join us in the Crow’s Nest for an exciting first hand account of traveling on Pan Am’s China Clipper that flew out of Alameda. The inaugural passenger flight was in Nov. 1936 with R. Randolph Walker aboard accompanied by his immediate family. Their long history with aviation will be shared via images and lively commentary.
Lunch served at noon, followed by the lecture around 1:00 pm. Members price is $10 to cover lunch. Non-members are welcome for $15. Reservations for lunch not required but space is limited to 75. OK to call 510-522-4262 to reserve with name and # of guests or email Do plan enough time to visit the museum and the China Clipper Exhibit, as Museum will close at normal 4:00 pm time. Doors open at 10 am.